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to the beguiled, the duped, and the uninformed...

MY RESPONSE to all the “hate email" generated by the National ENQUIRER-ographic Channel’s HIT PIECE, Banished To The Shed , against ACMTC’s founders James and Deborah Green (the Generals), and other religious communities.

by Tom Briggs,
AKA Overboardbriggs


Dear E mailers,

First I want to thank you ALL for taking the time to send ACMTC your e mails. (Thank you!)

Second, I acknowledge your negative emotions, and if I were in your shoes, I would probably “feel” as you did after watching the unprofessional and extremely unjust and biased “hit piece” against the Generals, and their missionaries in training at Aggressive Christianity Missions Training Corps.

Third, I also feel an emotional response, one of PITY and SORROW for the REAL victims of the brainwashing program Banished To The Shed : ...YOU!

YOU are the real victims here, because YOU have been used and abused, manipulated emotionally and spiritually, to HATE and MURDER (in your heart) your neighbors and fellow human beings, the Greens, and those who voluntarily come to be trained as missionaries/ evangelists of the gospel of Jesus Christ to serve you, and to liberate the captives of other’s lusts and control over their victims. These men and women of ACMTC genuinely care for the down and out, both locally and the un-franchised all over the World, who are enslaved by their sins, sicknesses, addictions and religion.

Now please get this: They PRODUCE LITERALLY TONS OF GOSPEL LITERATURE, sending it upon request worldwide FREE of charge! They travel and minister THE GOSPEL to the Public in public from their OWN pockets, blood, sweat, and tears...and these hate e-mails is what they get for it? (Again, I would probably give them a piece of my mind too after viewing the one sided slanderous and hateful lies from National Enquirer-ographic Channel’s one sided “hit piece” Banished To The Shed which falsely depicts ACMTC as an evil and sadistic cult, hurting and abusing its “brainwashed members”.) However... are unaware of the other side to the story!

If you are to be fairminded and will set your manipulated emotional responses on a shelf for a bit, I challenge you to hear the rest of the story compiled by yours truly, via my video documentary, The PX2 Conspiracy, The Documentary

Here I expose the lies and hypocrisies of YOUR enemies who hate YOU just as much as they hate ACMTC!


Money , greed, and revengeful hate are the motivating forces behind 1) National Enquirer-ographic Channel, 2) Maura Schmierer, 3) her daughter Rebekah Westlake, and 4) Robert Blasier, P.S. Now they want YOU to join them against ACMTC by manipulating you and insinuating THEIR desired false conclusions into your minds. What’s in it for them? MONEY! What’s in it for you? prevent YOU from finding out the truth about ACMTC, from finding the Truth in Jesus Christ and salvation from the curse of your sins, and from finding out the truth about the malevolent manipulators and malfeasance of the real abusers, the BIG FAT LIARS just mentioned.


contact us and ask for the FREE DVD set of 9 discs,
the FREE PX2 Files Trilogy booklets @:
ACMTC, HC60,Box11, Fence Lake, NM 87315 USA

... and may God richly bless you, my dear friends.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Briggs,
-editor and producer of The PX2 Conspiracy , The Documentary

National Geographic's
"I Escaped A Cult: Banished to the shed" first aired numerous times during the month of April, 2012. The rerun will air Sept. 25, 4PM ET.
The Complete PX2 Files can also be viewed at (first half): and (second half) Since the documentary was first uploaded on June 7th, 2012 to the present, Sept. 20, 20012, it has received over 68,433 views.

Write and request our many "Thus Saith the Lord" (now "Thus Saith the Lord / Bread for the Nations") booklets dealing with the JUDGMENTS OF GOD. CONTACT US HERE!